Tuesday, August 10, is Rosh Hodesh Elul. This is the Jewish month that leads us to Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish New Year. This blog launched one year ago on 1 Elul. This year we will once again post regular thought-pieces, meditations and practices to help in your own personal reflections, reviewing the past year, engaging with the path of teshuvah, enabling us all to enter the High Holyday season with greater intention and awareness.
In the meantime, the Union for Reform Judaism has a 4-part webinar open to all, beginning on Rosh Hodesh Elul, with some wonderful teachers involved. I highly commend this program to you. The details follow, with a link to the URJ page where you can register for the webinar.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Rachel Gurevitz
August 11, 2010 – Welcoming Elul: Spiritual Preparations for the Days of Awe

Title: Welcoming Elul: Spiritual Preparations for the Days of Awe