Where the Water of Life meets the Tree of Life

Check out the video trailer for A Dram and a Drash podcast here.

A Dram and a Drash podcast cover art depicting a glencairn whisky glass and a Torah
Current episode on the Youtube podcast channel of A Dram and a Drash

A video and audio podcast that blends together the water of life* with the tree of life**.

I am an amateur whiskey enthusiast. I have been enjoying whiskey for over 30 years and have attended numerous whiskey seminars***. I completed the Certificate in Scotch Whisky from the Edinburgh Whisky Academy in 2022 and became a Certified Bourbon Steward with the Stave and Thief Society in 2025. I have been studying the fascinating history of Bourbon, with a particular interest in the Jews who helped to shape the industry. I am available to lead seminars on a range of subjects on ‘Jewish American History through a Bourbon Glass,’ combining talks on Jewish history, bourbon history, and curated whiskey tastings.

Certificate in Scotch whisky from Edinburgh Whisky Academy

A Dram and a Drash is available in video format on Youtube or as an audio podcast wherever you access your podcasts. Please subscribe via the Youtube or audio podcast player above to show your support, and ensure that you don’t miss an episode.

*The word whisk(e)y (which is more typically spelled without an e in Scotland and with an e in the USA) is derived from the gaelic word Uisge beatha (Scots gaelic), meaning ‘water of life.’

**The Torah – the first five books of the Hebrew Bible – is also described as Eitz Chayyim – the Tree of Life.

***I express deep gratitude to the Loch and Key Society at Julio’s Liquors in Westborough for the incredible range and depth of seminars that they provide, along with an annual whiskey weekend festival.