Rabbi Gurevitz' creative works: Podcast, blogs, videos and more

Mourning for Debbie Friedman

Dear friends and congregants,
I am truly at a loss to share words at this time.  Debbie Friedman touched the hearts and souls of thousands with her music and her presence.  She was among my dearest friends for these past 12 years and I am deeply mourning her loss.  I have no words.
I simply wish to share, for those who have not received the information through other channels, that the gathering for Debbie last night at the JCC Manhattan, which was streamed live, was also recorded and can be viewed here.

In addition, the funeral will be broadcast over the web.  It is taking place on the West Coast tomorrow morning, at what will be 2pm EST.  If you wish to attend the funeral in this way, the link is here.

Her memory is forever a blessing.  May she be blessed as she goes on her way…
Rabbi Rachel Gurevitz

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Dear Rabbi Gurevitz,

    A time to be silent, And a time to speak.

    With you in spirit,

    Cantor Naomi Hirsch