If you are in NYC or able to head down there this Sunday or Monday, make sure you check out Sukkah City at Union Square – http://www.sukkahcity.com/

See the Sukkah re-imagined and renewed with the 12 winning entries of a competition that has born fruit to some very creative and imaginative designs.  This was a project initiated by Reboot, who are often finding innovative ways to reclaim and re-make ritual into something very contemporary and thought-provoking.

Take a look at the sukkah city website, and see them up close if you can.  Perhaps they will inspire you to try something a little different this year in your Sukkah; perhaps you’ll try your hand at creating a Sukkah for the very first time – it’s a great thing to do with family or friends, and a lot of fun.

At B’nai Israel our structure is a bit more conventional, but we let our kids go to town in the creative inventions they construct to decorate for us.  Sukkah decorating is from 5-6pm, followed by a dairy, pot-luck dinner, and then a service for the whole community at 7pm.  If you are in the neighborhood, do join us!