Part of a solidarity blog series for Women of the Wall.  Each piece is written by a member of the Rosh Hodesh group of Congregation B’nai Israel.  Tonight, Beth Lazar reflects on meaningful moments drawing close to the Torah.

My cousins are Reconstructionist Jews and I went to services with them.  They sang some of the same tunes that we sing at B’nai Israel and they also have a Saturday morning Torah study group that meets before Saturday morning services, to study and discuss the portion of the week.  I felt very at home at my cousins’ temple.

My cousin also took me to a gathering of Conservative and Orthodox Jews who rented space to have Shabbat and Festival services.  We went to pray with them for a Passover Shabbat service.  The leaders of the service noticed that I was a new face, and asked me to dress the Torah after the reading.

I have a T-shirt with a picture of women dancing with the Torah at the Western Wall.  It is my hope that someday that drawing become a reality.  And all Jews can pray together here in the USA, and Israel.